Friday, November 12, 2021

Test Anxiety Tips

Struggling with test anxiety comes as a struggle to many, including myself. Recently I had 3 different college exams back to back. That can be very stressful for someone with test anxiety. Not to sweat it though because test anxiety can be solved if you are willing to make improvements that will help. First of all, know that this anxiety you are feeling is all in your head, you can do it!! Remember to breathe and stay focused, take your time (TIME MANAGEMENT IS SO IMPORTANT). Find different ways to study that help with the way you learn, but DO NOT overload yourself with too much information at once ... TAKE BREAKS it will not hurt you in the long run. Get a goodnight's rest because your mental state is still very much important and if you are not getting that rest due to stress or overstudying, that test is going to seem ten times harder than it might actually be. Get a good meal in your system because I don't know about you but with test anxiety comes a lack of energy right after you have emptied your knowledge onto a sheet of paper, eating will 100% give you that extra boost to keep you going. Lastly, one of my final tips among the hundreds there may be is to just try your best, not every test score is gonna be exactly what you aimed for and that's okay, there is always room to better yourself see that grade as an opportunity to do so. Below is a link to some extra test anxiety tips, Enjoy!

Test Anxiety Tips


  1. I agree that a good night sleep is very important before a big test. Usually individuals pull all nighters to study and it hurts them in the long run especially when they forget to eat! I also felt it was cool talking about not overloading yourself because cramming is usually where people go wrong.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm sorry that I deleted my last comment it didn't make sense at all. I'm glad you made a blog about test anxiety because I feel like that is something all students have. One of my favorite tips that you provide is try your best.

  4. Test anxiety is a huge problem for students and sometimes they don't even realize they have it. These tips you have listed can be very helpful for those who struggle with it.

  5. Test anxiety is a HUGE problem and is likely even bigger due to the fact that we are in a pandemic and some students likely aren't being taught these types of tips.

  6. I struggle with test anxiety on a daily.Your tips are so helpful, and I will difintley give them a try. Ill keep you updated on my sucess.


Test Anxiety Tips

Struggling with test anxiety comes as a struggle to many, including myself. Recently I had 3 different college exams back to back. That can ...